they see me rollin'

Vi glassar i 30 grader värme och tar oss fram på gator vi inte vet om. Känner oss små på gigantiska torg, stora i små gränder och vackra i uppvaktande ögon. Fan Lissabon, jag är kär i dig.



I Lissabon finns det gentlemen. 20 min efter landning.
I Lissabon ropar dom efter töserna med häst-ljud, gnägg.
I Lissabon finns det mer trappor än upp till Eifel Tornet. 20 ggr om. Typ.
I Lissabon är varje dörr ett mästerverk.
I Lissabon hälsar man på varandra. OCH LER!
I Lissabon dricker man Sangria kl 15.00. Och blir full litegran.
Det är i Lissabon det händer.

20 sept 2010: and they landed

Flög lite. Landade lite. Hamnade lite i Lissabon.

Copenhagen airport

Tillrätta på världens bästa flygresa med världens bästa flygbolag Cimber Sterling. Jävlar för sjysst folk!!

Nöjd hund.

Upp för sjuttioelva trappor! Lissabon är bara trappor (och sangria)

Välkomst- Sangria!

Nöjd hund.

Nöjd tjej.

Tiny tiny killer hallway

På med träningsskor förfan, Lissabon är en enda stor hinderbana!

Promenix i city

Fina stad!!

our street

go hard or go home

you need to have a sit-down with your egoooo

Back home


Nu umgås vi med Sangria och Lissabon-natten.

September 19

Min biljett är bokad. Vovvens biljett är bokad. Mitt sinnes biljett är bokad. Den 19:e beger vi oss ner igen, denna gången med en Jönsson-tös och tusenmiljonerkilo mer energi. The detour was worth the new found strength.


min hjärna.



Alot is going on. And going under. And going wrong. It's a bitch of a mission to make it right, or even make it, but I will.

broken any bubbles lately?

People might think I'm a little bit out of it. That's fine. I feel more alive than ever before and I'm on the right track towards finding myself and what I believe in. This experience has given me an infinite amount of insights. I've learnt how to dream, I've learnt how to realize what I thought was beyond my potential, I've learnt what it means to struggle, what it means to be there for people on a whole new level, what it means to live your dreams together.

We did get jobs. We turned them down. We've been locked inside what made us comfortable and safe for far too long, and you don't break the comfort-bubble by stepping right into another one. We wanna live, stress out, freak out, be nervous again. We wanna fight for it. If you hide in a bubble, you miss out on life.

Vad fan hände?

Rensarensarensa Packapackapacka flyttaflyttaflytta Städastädastäda och så PANG!! Plötsligt slår det mig att vi korsar Europa för att byta liv om 9 dagar...



på 11 dagar skall jag:
  • flytta och kasta tusen möbler och sjuttioelva saker.
  • flyttstäda lägenhet och förråd (ahh fyfan, cider på det!)
  • besiktiga lägenheten
  • köpa bärväska till vovven
  • ringa ang. vovvens försäkring
  • skriva ut och skicka in folkbokföringspapper
  • skriva ut tusen CV
  • maila skola etc angående ny address
  • fundera ut vilka saker & skolböcker som skall säljas
  • skriva ut lista på saker att sälja
  • kolla så att vovvens blodprovspappret hamnar rätt, få stämpel i passet innan vi åker
  • köpa hundfästing-bricka
  • cykla med cykeln till Martin
  • Köpa ALLT jag skall ha med mig på resan
  • planera avskedsfesten med Josso
  • ha avskedsfest Josso
  • flytta.......


Today is one of those days when I stop and realize "Oh christ, I'm moving far far away in 2 weeks...". I let go of everything to follow my heart. Quit the job, the apartment, and threw away every little thing in my life that lacked real significance. I feel like I've cleansed my soul, in a way. What I've been planning for, preparing for, longing for

is 2 weeks away.

breaking my bubble

My brain does not comprehend the fact that I'll be moving in 3 weeks. To a new world. We're actually crossing country borders this time. What made me go for it? I'm too comfortable here. I never get nervous, anxious or challenged anymore, which is truly frustrating and depressing. I refuse to become one of those people who live for the weekends, hate mondays and work solely for the holidays once a year, and I've made sure to keep it that way. Even so, the rather sneaky feeling of indifference has slowly emerged and my comfort-zone is not my place my be any longer. Perhaps it will be again, perhaps I just need a year, 2, 5 or a lifetime? I don't know. But if I spend another year in my little swedish bubble I will beak apart. I need to be in a country that values the importance of spending time together, closeness, unity, outgoing peronalities, and Sweden is not the ideal place. Sweden is great on countless levels, but here people want to keep their kids at kindergarden as long as possible "because they've been working all day and are tired", here people are not open and it's not often you get a random smile from a stranger, God forbid!

This society is not outgoing, and I wanna live around life-lovers, true optimists that would take the kids and whole families out for dinner at 10pm, even though the little ones will fall asleep in momma's lap, just to spend quality time together. There is no such thing in Sweden. Because in Sweden people don't live, they just exist.

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